B49 John Jackson Walker & Family, 1796

see cht. 9-3

John Jackson Walker was born in New York City, New York, U.S.A. on 25 Oct. 1796, the 2nd child of Thomas (1763) and Elizabeth (born Jackson) Walker.

Little is known of John Jackson Walker at this time except that he married a girl by the name of Rachel T, in Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania. Her maiden name is unknown at this time. It is known, however, that John and Rachel had at least one child:-

Evan Thomas Walker. b.16-1-1831 died 13-9-1882

Presumably Evan was born in Philadelphia, however, there is no documented evidence of this, as of this date.

Read more about the Walker's in New York


  • Rosa L Oertli Cardston, Alberta, Canada

Richard B Walker, Formby. 5 October-2008